There's no **nce that "a centralised database will emerge", and "we need the private sector to lead the implementation(真现,实行) of this", he added, according to CNET website.
"We are not talking about a national ID card," he said at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.
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But Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said that it should not be mistaken as national identity card.
Possible methods of creating a "trusted identity" could include issuing a "smart card" or digital certificates that would prove that online users are who they say they are. They could then be used to buy goods and carry out financial transactions(买卖,处置) on the internet, the report said.
Obama has put the US Commerce Department in **rge of the cybersecurity initiative, the Daily Mail reported.
White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said the move does not mean that anonymity(藏名) will be compromised.
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In its bid to boost web security in the US,lunette sole, the Barack Obama administration is working out a plan to issue American computer users with an internet identity, a media report said Monday.
"We are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorise a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities," he added.
He said the Commerce Department is setting up a national programme to work on the project.
The Obama administration is drafting a paper called the National Strategy for Trusted Identities, which investigates ways that web users can protect their online identities.
"I don't have to get a credential(证书,把柄) if I don't want to," he said.
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