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   Crescent Moon 's thin line
   me laugh that I could be happy moving
   so deep
It states an end to all forms of military presence and stipulates that government forces should not attack al-Ahmar's house again.
One government official said the agreement would take effect Sunday morning.
But protesters continue to demand President Ali Abdullah Saleh step down.
Saba'a Al-Hathri, Protester, said, "The issue of a civil war will end if Ali Abdullah Saleh steps down, leaves the Yemeni people and lets the Yemeni people decide their own fate."
This week's intense battle began with President Saleh's security forces attacking the home of Sheik Sadeq al-Ahmar, head of the powerful Hasid tribal confederation.
Tribal fighters came to al-Ahmar's defense and seized a number of government buildings in Sanaa.
The clash followed a breakdown in efforts by Yemen's Gulf Arab neighbors to negotiate an end to the crisis.
The deal would have required Saleh stepping down in ex**nge for immunity from prosecution, but he balked at signing.
The prolonged political crisis in the country has cost the economy as much as 5 billion US dollars. Yemen's trade minister says immediate aid is needed to prevent a meltdown in the economy worth 31 billion US dollars.