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双修祭祀PK最终加点探讨 [复制链接]



目前看来游戏会开放到70级外加10个技能点修炼  于是一共有61+10个技能点
排除未开放的70级和较难练的10个技能点取舍  成型的时间是51个技能点也就是60级未修炼的情况
目前来看3个辅助技能:加攻 加防 百分比加攻 技能点数是足够加满的 加血的3个技能有些取舍  
按照51点的情况来看一般在这6个技能里面分配点数 其他的技能个人倾向 复活+1和恢复+1  其他都不要加!
除非是纯神罚 为了状态强一点去加满神佑之体  
光之箭 施法时间杯具 副本祭祀可以加一点提高队伍输出  
神选之子 你要是蓝真的不够才去加吧。。一般后期都会洗的 因为浪费技能点。。
2个50的技能个人认为PK没必要加 因为他最大的缺点在于 持续施法。。PK情况变动有很多 副本祭祀的话才加
瓦尔基里庇护 加到10作用满大的 不过缺陷也很明显CD时间太长 个人认为这10点留给加血和辅助上面会更好
这样PK版本最终成型的参考为: 3个辅助10  治疗10 群疗10  高阶治疗10/恢复10/神佑之体10 3选2 复活1

Lebron James recently announced that he will retire his number 23 to honor Mi**el Jordon. This initiated discussions throughout the league about whether other teams should follow suit and retire number 23 altogether. Clearly this is a respectful gesture on Lebron's part, but is there an ulterior motive? After all, despite his MVP season in 2008-09, the top selling jersey belonged to the Finals MVP, Kobe Bryant. Even if The King doesn't switch teams, switching numbers will surely catapault him to top-selling jersey status since his biggest fans will buy his new NBA jersey. Even Shaq, now in the twilight of his career, has managed to have his jersey reach top 10 status this year by switching teams. Clearly a **nge in number or team will provide a reasonable bump in Los Angeles Lakers Jerseys sales.
Lets look more closely into the motivation behind such a move. We know it's not driven by money. In the NBA, the total receipt from jersey sales are lumped into one big pool and then all the players are paid equally from that pool. So yes, the Celtics' Brian Scalabrine gets the same amount as the Paul Pierce and is grateful to Pierce every year for that paycheck. So if not money, could it be ego? Let's see, millionaire athletes competing against one another on the biggest stage of their sports. I think it's safe to say there is an element of pride. It's like winning a popularity contest, and better because it's measurable. And Lebron's not the only one by any means, Kobe himself **nged his number from 8 to 24 and experienced a big jump in new Miami Heat Jerseys sales.
Aside from being number one, at some level, NBA players must love the idea of having so many fans out there wearing a Cheap NBA jersey with their name on it. It's a clear demonstration of love and adoration. What could be better than having thousands of fans wear your jersey, even years after you retire in some cases?
The good news for fans is that in order to reach the stratosphere of top jersey, the player has to achieve something. For instance, two other top jerseys were Dwight Howard and Derrick Rose. Howard led his team to the NBA finals, while Rose pushed the previous **mpion Celtics to a thrilling 7-game series during the playoffs. And as a result of their on-the-court success fans rewarded them with jersey sales. So in the end, winning on the court leads to winning in jersey sales.
Check out Top buy Miami Heat Jerseys to learn more about the sales of NBA jerseys or to pur**se any of your favorite wholesale sports NBA jerseys.


回复 24# 的帖子

貌似LZ说的 加防 加攻 百分比加攻 就是你说的这些吧,,,,



不好意思 这游戏不玩了 回复可能玩了点
闪电超载 我前面写错了 原帖不能编辑 神技也就70点攻  如果你是全身+9套并且状态都满了的话 增加的幅度在100%~120% 详细记不清了 反正不会差太多 也就实际多了150攻左右 当然全套+12会更多
再看下其他的技能  雷霆之怒神技10%麻痹配合60神器套可以达到15%或17%(全套)这是相当变态的数据因为当你有物攻、魔攻、公会固定伤害3个伤害时 他会分次出现虽然几率还是15%但是单位时间内可触发的概率稍微大点
反射盾 前面我也说了反射 8级英雄 32%魔攻20%物攻 10级神技目测50%魔攻31%物攻 短时间内1V1爆发力不错 你有多少血就可以造成多少百分比伤害并且算上吃药的量 15秒足够了
怎么加点主要还是看个人的PK习惯如何 如果一味追求高攻击的话也可以加4个攻击技能和超载
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